Choosing distribution channels and whether or not paid will be part of your strategy may depend on your content objectives. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 66% of B2B content marketers have used paid in the past year, primarily to attract a new audience, generate traffic when organic search fails, or to reach a niche audience. Once you choose a distribution channel, the key is to nurture your audience within that space.

  • Don’t post mechanically without paying attention to which posts are performing well and which ones aren’t.
  • Don’t post everywhere and hope for the best. For example, does your product or service fit with the visual nature of Instagram? If your answer is probably no, then focus your efforts elsewhere, like LinkedIn.
  • Do think about where your audience is spending their time. Is your audience made up of busy IT professionals? Maybe your newsletter should be sent personally from your CTO, with her story picks from that week.
  • Do allow for trial and error. There is no simple formula (and those who think there is a formula, tend to be going down that dreaded “me too” road).